Workshop: The Importance of Community Planning for Energy

Interested in saving energy and reducing energy costs at the local government level? Plan to attend The Importance of Community Planning for Energy workshop on Wednesday April 10, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at Washington and Jefferson College in Washington PA. Organized by the Southwest Section of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Planning Association, this half-day workshop will explain current trends in energy production, transmission, and consumption as well as explore the impacts that local decision-makers have on their communities’ energy use and costs.

Municipal managers, planners, and municipal finance directors will learn how innovative design, planning, and financing tools can achieve energy efficiency beyond the building scale. Speakers will discuss energy cost reduction strategies in the City of Pittsburgh as a part of the 2030 District initiative, innovative mixed-use developments in Minnesota that convert trash into electricity, and the funding sources available to local governments in Pennsylvania to save energy at the municipal level.

For registration, visit:


This event is made possible by the funding and support of the West Penn Power Sustainable Energy Fund and the Center for Energy Policy and Management at Washington & Jefferson College.