Michael P. Lynch Scholarship Fund
The Michael P. Lynch Scholarship Fund directly benefits those communities seeking to participate in the Newly Elected Officials Course and other Academy programs by awarding scholarships to reduce the cost of the course tuition for communities with financial difficulties.
Scholarships for Good Government
Through its Michael P. Lynch Scholarship Fund, Local Government Academy strives to make its training programs within reach for any local government elected official, appointed official or employee that is interested in receiving training. LGA’s Scholarship’s for good Government program provides elected and appointed local government officials and employees the opportunity to attend LGA programs for free or at a reduced fee, depending on the program.
Named in honor of LGA’s first Chairman of the Board and former Mayor of Monroeville, the Michael P. Lynch Scholarship Fund strives to ensure that every elected and appointed official has access to the training necessary to make them a more effective public servant and is not barred from attending LGA programs due to fiscal constraints. Mike Lynch, along with other county and local officials, was instrumental in the creation of Local Government Academy.
About the Eligible Communities
LGA reviewed the median income data for each of the 10 counties in southwestern Pennsylvania. To determine the list of eligible communities, LGA calculated the average median income for all 10 counties and included communities at or below that threshold. Click here to view the list of eligible communities.
Supporting the Michael P. Lynch Scholarship Fund
There are three ways that municipalities, private businesses and individuals can support the Michael P. Lynch Scholarship Fund:
The Promoting Excellence Golf Outing is an annual event benefiting the Michael P. Lynch Scholarship Fund. The event gives corporations and individuals the opportunity to benefit the Scholarship Fund through a great day of golf. The golf outing has taken place since 2003 and has grown tremendously, seeing sell-outs for each of the past seven years.
Click here for more information on the golf outing. Click here for a look back at past golf outings.Leadership Circle: A Municipality-Sponsored Fund
Municipalities that make an annual contribution to the Leadership Circle are helping to provide funds to their municipal peers who are facing economic hardships so that they may receive the training they need to be effective leaders in their communities.
Click here to learn more about Leadership Circle.Individual Donations to the Scholarship Fund
Individual donations may be made to the Michael P. Lynch Scholarship Fund at any time. All donations are tax deductible and can be made via check or online payment. Visit this page for more information.
“My wife Joan and I came to the Pittsburgh region in the fall of 1968 to work and raise a family. After various positive community experiences, I sought the office of Mayor of Monroeville and had the privilege of serving three terms.
During that experience, it became apparent that the partnering of municipal services with community resources afforded unlimited opportunities to improve the quality of life of our residents while encouraging broad based citizen, business and government cooperation. It also became clear to me that the role of local government was critical to the daily life of its citizens, and further that its performance as one community in a family of communities defined by a county and a region impacts the future of the county and region.
Combining these ideas, I was enthusiastic when asked to join other local elected officials to work on the creation of a resource that would increase the efficiency and effectiveness of local government. This collective effort resulted in the Local Government Academy and I was honored to serve as chairman of the academy for 17 years.
The growth and success of the Academy is a credit to the quality and availability of its programs and the close collaboration between government, academic, civic and business leaders which occurs in order to develop and market timely of programs of current interest.
A unique and important by-product of the Academy’s classes is the lasting personal relationship developed among officials from communities throughout our region which opens lines of communication and create opportunities for cooperation.
Unfortunately, its is often difficult for communities of limited financial resources to take advantage of the training provided by the Academy even though these communities in particular would benefit greatly from the services of the Academy.
I am deeply gratified that the Academy has honored me by naming the scholarship program the Michael P. Lynch Scholarship Fund. The return on investment in this Fund is measured not only in the improved performance of a deserving local government, but the value of this improved performance to our region. Your tax deductible contributions to the Fund is an investment in the future.”