An October Message from the Executive Director

Our mission to Promote Excellence in Local Government is only made possible by including speakers of diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and identities. To elevate issues of importance such as today’s webinar, “Municipal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Starting the Conversation,” we are sharing first-hand experiences of individuals who challenged their local governments to do better, and the strategies of municipalities who have responded proactively.

But this is just one piece of the puzzle and only one example of the many educational programs we facilitate to help municipalities implement policies that protect the residents living and working in their communities. Shortly after the General Election, the Newly Elected Officials Course begins and will place a spotlight on several important subjects. Working with our partner, Sustainable Pittsburgh, the 2021-2022 Course will include conversations that elevate awareness of underserved populations and the policies and programs that local governments can put into place to protect those most vulnerable.

Then, coinciding with Fair Housing Month in April 2022, mark your calendar for a conversation on Fair Housing Community Initiatives. Working with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, this webinar will discuss the responsibilities that local governments have in the workplace, for public accommodations, housing, and more. If you or anyone you know has experience with Fair Housing Community Initiatives, and can speak about these experiences, please reach out to me.

At the end of the day, our work relies fundamentally on education, and the more people that are engaged in these conversations, the better off we will be as a community. Local Government Academy will continue to develop non-partisan programs on matters relevant to local government. But we can do better! If you believe there are emerging or long-standing issues facing your community, we want to hear from you!

I look forward to having a conversation with you.

– Joy