From the Executive Director: Are you “LinkedIn” with Local Government Academy?

In the online world of media, it can be difficult to keep up with all the avenues for posting, promoting, and communicating that exist for engaging with constituents. What to use? When to use it? And how to use it?

To boost our professional presence, Local Government Academy has a LinkedIn account that serves as our main professional networking tool for outreach to our partners. LinkedIn provides a professional forum to tell others about our activities and is a great way to stay in contact with our Advocates for Good Government, business partners, and academic community.

Building a professional online platform is especially important for our municipal interns at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. In the Municipal Intern Program, we emphasize the importance of building professional relationships and networking. We teach our interns best practices for presenting yourself in person and online, using LinkedIn as a primary vehicle for students as they being thinking about their career path.

When you connect with us on LinkedIn, you will see that we have been making plenty of posts this summer about the Municipal Intern Program. It’s fun and enlightening to share photos and stories about all the projects and workshops that have been happening through the program this year. Sharing our efforts with a broader audience helps us collaborate with others and facilitates new opportunities for everyone.

You can expect to see new blight mitigation projects, financial training opportunities, and information on our upcoming Newly Elected Officials Course on our LinkedIn in the coming months.

So please reach out and LinkedIn with us and while you’re at it, take some time to think about how you can use the available tools to increase your connections with the broader community!
