From the Executive Director: Changing of the Seasons is Bringing a Big Change to Local Government Academy!

As summer ends, Local Government Academy is kicking off the changing of the seasons with a big change to one of our most popular programs.

The Municipal Intern Program (MIP) is a unique workforce development initiative that builds staff capacity of local governments to complete worthwhile community projects. The 2025 MIP application period opens this November for municipalities, Councils of Governments, and Municipal Authorities. This competitive program provides a reimbursement grant to cover a portion of the interns’ wages, which makes it a very cost-effective program for communities with limited resources. Check out our website for more information.

Looking back over this Summer gives me a sense of fulfillment knowing that we are making a positive impact for our communities and encouraging a new generation of public servants to make a difference where it counts – locally!

Looking forward Fall, we are eager to begin the community meetings for the Alle-Kiski Intergovernmental Blight Mitigation Plan. It is exciting to witness the advancement of intergovernmental partnerships occurring in this region of Westmoreland County and Local Government Academy is happy to be at the table.

Working with the Westmoreland County Planning and Development Department and Westmoreland County Redevelopment Authority, we are helping to respond to the detrimental presence of abandoned and vacant properties, which was a key issue identified in the County’s comprehensive plan: Remaking Our Westmoreland – A Plan for the Alle-Kiski District. This project will not only assess the nature and extent of blight it will include a data-based strategy unique to each of the communities. If you want to be involved, contact us at [email protected].

Yes, our mission to Promote Excellence in Local Government keeps us busy, but we would have it no other way. If you have ideas for educational programming, please let us know! Just email us at [email protected].

– Joy

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