From the Executive Director: Wishing All a Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year!

Season’s Greetings from Local Government Academy!

As the year draws to a close and holiday cheer fills the air, I find myself reflecting on change both in life and in local government.

This year has seen an emergence of fresh perspectives with the election of new leadership across the region. Perhaps none so dramatic as in Allegheny County with the election of the first female County Executive in history! Hitting the ground running, Sara Innamorato has kicked off an expansive outreach effort – All In Allegheny – that will kick-start an action plan for her Administration.

Fortunately, for Allegheny County, there is a strong foundation in place thanks to the stewardship of outgoing Executive Rich Fitzgerald. Even before his tenure as Executive, Rich was a strong proponent of local government training and we are thankful for his steady support over the years.

Standing the test of time, Local Government Academy’s partnership with the County to provide non-partisan education on the roles and responsibilities of our public servants began 40 years ago. Our first program, offered in 1984 and what is arguably the most comprehensive training program offered, the Newly Elected Officials Course is widely known to be the gold standard training on matters relevant to local governments in Pennsylvania.

With over 40 hours of education, graduates of this program are an elite group of public servants who have made the commitment to do better by learning more and it is an honor to host the 20th Newly Elected Officials Course.

Amidst the festivities of the season, we are thankful for our elected officials – veteran and incoming – and wish them much success in their efforts to promote excellence in local government. As we look toward 2024, we eagerly embrace the excitement of the unknown and stand ready to do our part in Promoting Excellence in Local Government to achieve a bright and prosperous future for all.

Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with warmth, hope, and the spirit of transformation.
