From Your Executive Director: Local Government Officials – Make a Commitment to Excellence!

Accessible, quality, nonpartisan training for officials and staff can transform a municipality with positive change. The need for education is real when, every two years, municipal elections can bring new officials into leadership positions, often with positive intentions but no government experience.

Local Government Academy (Academy), a 501(c)3 public charity, was established in 1983 as an independent, non-partisan organization, with the mission to Promote Excellence in Local Government. Our first program, the Newly Elected Officials Course (NEOC), was developed to instill an understanding of good governance in our public officials. The program continues to be a trusted resource for training new officials regarding their legal obligations, introduce them to best practices for thriving communities, and providing networking opportunities to build relationships.

The 2021 Pennsylvania municipal election has ushered in the next cycle of elected officials, and we are adapting to address new and emerging trends related to emergency preparedness and community resiliency. Occurring in-person and virtually, NEOC begins December 4, 2021, and spans the first quarter of 2022.

This year, we will reduce accessibility barriers by offering virtual learning and a structured face-to-face learning environment at Gateway High School in Monroeville. As an added benefit, Gateway also has the technological infrastructure to record educational sessions, which will augment individual learning by allowing participants to review the content later or multiple times.

Worried about cost? Municipal budgets typically include training for government officials, and scholarship opportunities are available for eligible communities.

This isn’t just for newly elected officials! Appointed officials and long-serving officials who are interested in ongoing professional development are encouraged to attend as well.

For more information, check out our website or contact [email protected].

– Joy