How Goes the Newly Elected Officials Course?

Understanding that elected officials must juggle their personal and business commitments along with the obligations of civic duty, Local Government Academy focused firmly on the accessibility of the 2019-2020 Newly Elected Officials Course (NEOC). We made a commitment to provide the best opportunity for success for each of our NEOC participants, shifting the traditional weekday classes to Saturdays only, and diversifying venue locations. We are pleased to report that registration hit an all-time high, indicating that our strategy is working.

Opening Day saw a packed room. Officials from across the region attended rounds of networking, participating in discussions with mentors across a variety of public service sectors. In December, the Powers, Duties, Budget & Finance session addressed the role of an elected official, with small-group discussions led by finance experts to cover the budgeting process.

Saturday, January 11, NEOC attendees will arrive at the Allegheny County Emergency Operations Training Center in Moon Township for Public Sector Human Resources & Emergency Management. Credentialed instructors will review complex aspects of public sector personnel law and municipal obligations for emergency services.

As NEOC continues, we listen and take seriously the feedback from our officials, endeavoring to strengthen the program to be the best it can be – and then better. The political world is changing, and we must adapt and change with it.

Thank you to our sponsors for helping to make NEOC possible:

Allegheny County

Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development

Maiello Brungo & Maiello

Tucker Arensberg, P.C.

Gateway Engineers

Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc.

McCormick Taylor