We need the COGS across the state to weigh in on what PACOG can do to advance our mission to empower and encourage cooperation, communication, and collaboration among COGS in Pennsylvania.

Our tentative agenda will include identifying challenges and opportunities for COGs in today’s fast-paced environment of information overload, limited resources, and unlimited demand for services.

We want to deliver support, resources, technical assistance and information to our member COGs and we want to hear from you about your highest priorities and greatest needs.

Didn’t make it to the first regional meeting in March? There are two more chances to attend regional meetings in-person or virtually on the following dates:

Tuesday, May 6   11am-1pm
Centre Region COG – State College, PA

Tuesday, May 13   11am-1pm
SED-COG – Lewisburg, PA

This is your opportunity to shape the future of PACOG. These 2-hour facilitated meetings will provide guidance for the PACOG Board and management team as we develop programs, resources, and support for Pennsylvania COGs.

Hear from the host COG Executive Directors about the unique services and projects provided by their organizations. Discuss the challenges and opportunities for COGs in today’s fastpaced environment of information overload, limited resources, and unlimited demand for services. For more information, visit the PACOG website.

If you would like to work with us to schedule, host, or facilitate the regional meetings, contact us at [email protected] for more information.

PACOG Webinar Series

Hold the dates below for the PACOG Lunch and Learn Webinar Series

Log in to these 1-hour sessions especially designed for COG directors and COG delegates. Contact us at [email protected] with any questions regarding the webinars.

December 5, 2024: Welcome to PACOG – We Are a COG – Now What?

Learn about the rebranded and relaunched PACOG, and the services and resources that are available for you. Hear from experts about the benefits for COGs formed under the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act (Act 177). What can COGs do, what should they do, and what are the limits? Terri Cunkle from DCED will provide insight into the IGC law.

January 23, 2025: Is 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Status Right for My COG?

COGs across the state are exploring the benefits and legal process for tax-exempt status. It can be a tricky and costly process and might not be the best choice for your organization. Learn about the application process and alternatives to tax-exempt status. Legal Experts will explain the nonprofit incorporation process, the process for applying for 501(c)(3) status, tax laws to consider, and resources available. To view a recording of this session, click here. To see a pdf of the presentation, click here

February 20, 2025: Protect Your Board – Protect Your Assets – Protect Yourself!

Is your COG adequately protected against the actions of a bad actor – whether board member or staff member? What happens if a pedestrian falls on an icy sidewalk alongside your property? Are you prepared for a cybersecurity attack on your server or a data breach? This webinar is presented by experts from HUB International, who work with local governments and nonprofits, and will provide guidance to keep you from potentially catastrophic losses.
To view a recording of this session, click here. To see a pdf of the presentation, click here.

March 13, 2025: COGs Rock! Success Stories from the Field

Learn from the experts – your colleagues and fellow COG Directors! Many PA COGs have developed innovative programs that provide services to their members and member communities, while providing a revenue stream to support the COG’s mission and operations. Learn more about how they did it, how it’s working, and how you can implement similar strategies in your own COG. Debby Grass from the LGA-PACOG Team will facilitate this lively discussion about success stories. To view a recording of this session, click here. To see a pdf of the presentation, click here.

April 17, 2025: What’s Up in Harrisburg? A Legislative Update from the Spring Session

What happens in Harrisburg during a General Assembly session affects our municipal members in a big way. From unfunded mandates to grant programs, there are challenges and opportunities for COGs and their members depending on the legislation that may (or may not) be passed and signed into law. (Speakers to be determined.) REGISTER HERE

May 15, 2024: From Surviving to Thriving: Great Ideas for Making Ends Meet

COGs are constantly struggling to identify dedicated funding sources for long-term sustainability. Join us to explore multiple funding streams that are open to COGs including DCED programs such as the Local Share Account (LSA), the Municipal Assistance Program (MAP), the Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP), as well as funding from the private foundation community, fee-for-service programs, and federal programs. Join speakers from federal, state, local and private sources to learn more about potential funding opportunities. REGISTER HERE

Sign up for one or all of our sessions – this webinar series is free of charge for COGs.



COGs bring an enormous amount of value to the communities they serve, and we want to feature our COGs on a regular basis in our newsletters. Please send any programs, stories, projects, and other good news to [email protected].