Remembering a Longtime Friend and Advocate









From left to right: Steve Feller as the “Resident Complainer” during the 2015 Newly Elected Officials Course (NEOC), photographed with Board Member Ruthann Omer; Steve laughs in the 2015 NEOC audience; Kevin Flannery, Judith Miller, Chuddy Carless, and Steve pose together at the 2017 Annual Promoting Excellence Golf Outing; Steve Feller reads a script as the “Resident Complainer” during the 2013 NEOC.

It is with profound sadness to learn of the passing of Steve Feller on Sunday, August 29, 2021. Steve would light up a room with his smile and never knew a stranger. He was a longtime advocate for Local Government Academy and believed deeply in the importance of education and training of municipal officials and staff.

Steve was always willing to jump in with both feet to support our educational programs. Over the years, he portrayed the “Resident Complainer” during the Mock Council held for Local Government Academy’s Newly Elected Officials Course. For a man who always had a positive word, this was a hilarious juxtaposition and Steve enjoyed hamming it up for the benefit of others.

As an avid golfer, Steve was the first to sign-up for the annual Promoting Excellence in Local Government Golf Outing. No matter rain or shine, you could count on him to be there, and always surrounded by friends. A throwback photo from 2018 proves that it never rains on the course.

Steve will be deeply missed by so many. On behalf of Local Government Academy, we extend our heartfelt condolences to Steve’s family, friends, and co-workers.

Obituary for Steve: