Each course is taught by a trained instructor who is a recognized subject matter expert in their discipline.
The Pillars of Good Government are standards to objectively evaluate the principles, policies and practices of communities and align to the following eight core areas of municipal government:
Beginning with the Budget and Finance Pillar, LGA’s online programming will feature presentations taught by PFM on Municipal Debt Obligations and Governance and the Investment Advisory Decision. Established in 1975, PFM employs hundreds of professional asset managers, financial advisors and consultants who work across a broad range of state and local governments, health systems, universities, school districts, and non-profit sectors.
Funded by the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation in 2008, the Pillars of Good Government project engaged municipal representatives, the academic community, businesses, and nonprofit organizations to identify and develop concurrence around the “pillars” of good government. After a consensus-based process, the “Pillars” were formalized and are now used as the foundation of LGA educational programming.
No matter if you attend our in-person workshops or participate through our online platform, please let us know how we are doing and what issues you want to learn more about. If you have program suggestions, please contact us through our website at http://www.localgovernmentacademy.org/contact.