This course is available from July 27 to Nov. 4
LGA Online’s Introduction to Municipal Purchasing course is taught by Paul Lauer. Paul is Assistant Township Manager for Peters Township and serves as the Township’s finance director. Paul is the reviewer for the Government Finance Officer’s Association’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award Program. Peters Township is the only municipality in Pennsylvania to be recognized by the GFOA’s with a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and the Award for Popular Annual Financial Reporting.
The resident’s and taxpayer’s perception of your local government is largely formed by how well you administer the basic business processes of your community. Nowhere is this more evident as in how your municipality chooses to acquire, account, and pay for goods and services. Good government begins with uniform, fair, and transparent procedures that are designed to first and foremost serve the best interests of the local government, the residents, and taxpayers.
To learn more, go to LGAonline. Scroll down the course catalog to Introduction to Municipal Purchasing. Click the left down arrow to learn or the shopping cart to register.